Ewa and Wojtek’s bedoom, to them, felt temporary, unfinished, messy, empty, and without a proper place.

In Ewa and Wojtek’s apartment, within the chaos of daily life with their kids, one room was overlooked: their bedroom. Even after eight years, it remained incomplete, reflecting their differing viewpoints.

Ewa felt a mix of frustration and sadness. For years, she’d had the limiting thought that Wojtek wouldn’t support her desire to improve their space. She feared his judgment, worried he wouldn’t understand her spiritual inclinations. These thoughts weighed heavily on her, causing her to withdraw and silently resent Wojtek’s seeming indifference. Their relationship suffered as a result, strained by unspoken expectations and unfulfilled desires. 

But then, something shifted within her. Through her House-Coaching™ process, Ewa realized she couldn’t control Wojtek’s actions or reactions. She decided to let go of her expectations and embrace the idea of making changes in their bedroom for herself, despite his response. This courage brought a sense of freedom, allowing her to approach their space with openness and optimism.

Ewa’s House-Coaching™ process helped her connect with her inner self, allowing her to feel comfortable and free to incorporate things that nurtured her spiritual side.

Wojtek, on the other hand, often felt overlooked in their bedroom, believing it to be nothing more than a transient space without personal significance. This belief left him feeling unimportant and disconnected, leading to indifference towards the room’s appearance and functionality. As a result, their bedroom became a place where he felt unseen and uncomfortable, a space he avoided whenever possible. 

However, through the House-Coaching™ process, Wojtek began to shift his perspective. He realized that he didn’t need to conform to traditional ideas of what a bedroom should be. Instead, he encouraged Ewa to take the lead in making changes, even if they initially seemed unconventional to him. This newfound openness allowed him to laugh at his initial reservations and embrace the transformation happening within their home.

As a result, they were able to create a new dynamic within their relationship in a very critical moment. Wojtek finally felt that Ewa listened and valued his perspective, and Ewa was able to be more authentic with Wojtek, allowing herself to be free to create a space that reflected a more sensible side of her. The transformation of their space facilitated this change, becoming a reflection of this new dynamic: a combination of both of their needs. 

Although still a work in progress, this is what their bedroom looks like after House-Coaching™.