this is how we guide you

Our services

package ONE


for Joyful Living


Our first package, House-Coaching™ for Joyful Living, is designed for you if you are an individual, a couple, or a family looking to enhance your overall well-being and start a transformative journey in a single space in your home. By exploring the impact your home has on you, we will create a vision for your space by understanding its emotional purpose and giving you tools to unlock your creativity and transformative potential. 

What's Included

1:1 Meetings with your House-Coach™:

    • One 90-minute individual House-Coaching™ session (per person);
    • One 1-hour implementation process follow-up meeting.

A summary document of your invidivual House-Coaching™ process that includes:

  • How your space is mirroring you
  • What is the impact of you thougths about your space and which alternative thoughts unlock your crearive power
  • What is the emotional purpose of your space

    A set of practical step-by-step guides with intentional design and House-Coaching™ principles to accompany you through the next steps of your creative process. 

    What You'll Learn

    Through this package, you can expect to experience personal growth through the physical transformation of your space. We’ll discover how design choices reflect your inner values and essence, enabling profound self-awareness. This allows us to create a space in your home that resonates much more profoundly with you and your needs. 

    Deciding If This Is Right For You

    This package is ideal for you if… 

      • You are seeking well-being in your life and are open to exploring the connections between your home and your personal growth.
      • You wish to begin your House-Coaching™ journey by focusing on a single space in your home.
      • You seek guidance from a House-Coach™ to initiate this process.
    A Few Important Points
      • We will work with you on the intervention of a single space in your home.
      • Making a shopping list does not mean that you need to buy everything, or that you need to get rid of everything you already have.
      • The shopping list is 100% based on what you want or need, and not on the personal taste of your House-Coach™.
      • When creating your shopping list, your House-Coach™ considers your design preferences, budget, and quality requirements, while also focusing on the emotional aspect of your space.
      • We can suggest products from various well-known brands, including furniture, decor accessories, lighting fixtures, textiles like rugs and curtains, and more.
      • If you want to transform more than one room in your home, we invite you to look at The Total Transformation package, which allows you to get a custom quote for your specific needs, including a shopping list if you wish.  
      • If you have any questions about The Intentional Shopper or other of our services, please visit our FAQ section and our Terms and Conditions agreement.

    package two

    The Creative Journey


    The Creative Journey package provides you with the opportunity to unlock your creativity to make heartfelt design choices that resonate with your personal values under the guidance of a certified House-Coach. Through a tailored interior design proposal that is shaped by the House-Coaching™ process, this experience will help you create a space that genuinely reflects who you are, meets your emotional needs, and supports your personal growth.

    What's Included

    1:1 Meetings with your House-Coach™:

      • Two 1-hour individual House-Coaching™ sessions (per person);
      • One 1-hour design proposal presentation meeting;
      • One 1-hour feedback presentation meeting (if needed);
      • One 1-hour implementation process follow-up meeting.

    A Design Proposal:

      • An overview of your House-Coaching™ session;
      • A description of the House-Coaching™ tools that you will use to integrally transform your space;
      • A floorplan and three 3D images that explain the design proposal, which will be tailored to your specific functional, aesthetic and emotional needs;
      • A moodboard to inspire you; a proposed color palette and suggested textures/materials;
      • A set of references for you to envision your space and unleash your creativity.
    What You'll Learn

    Through this package, you can expect to experience personal growth through the physical transformation of your space. We’ll discover how design choices reflect your inner values and essence, enabling profound self-awareness. This allows us to create a space in your home that resonates much more profoundly with you and your needs. 

    Deciding If This Is Right For You

    This package is ideal for you if…

      • You are actively pursuing wellbeing in various aspects of your life and are open to exploring the connections between your home and personal growth.
      • You wish to begin your House-Coaching™ journey by focusing on a single space in your home.
      • You seek guidance from a House-Coach™ to initiate this process, but you also actively desire to make heartfelt, conscious design decisions in your space that will impact your personal growth.
    A Few Important Points
      • We will work with you on the intervention of a single space in your home.
      • If this space is used by someone else in your home (including other adults or children over 5 years), we invite you all to participate in the House-Coaching™ process. This is because you will each have different needs and purposes that the space will need to fulfill.
      • With younger children (age 5-14), it is possible to have a session to understand their likes and dislikes and what they dream for the space, and with older children (age 14-18), it is possible to have a House-Coaching™ session to its full extent.
      • If you want to transform more than one room in your home, we invite you to look at The Total Transformation package, which allows you to get a custom quote for your specific needs.
      • If you have any questions about The Creative Journey or other of our services, please visit our FAQ section and our Terms and Conditions agreement.

    package three

    The Intentional Shopper


    With The Intentional Shopper, our second package, we help you to create a space that meets your needs holistically through the transformation of your space through our House-Coaching™ approach, along with a careful curation of suggested objects, furniture and decor that you will be able to choose from, always connecting with yourself in the process.  

    In addition to the House-Coaching™ Process, personalized design proposal and support included in The Creative Journey package (see above), your House-Coach™ will work closely with you and provide a shopping list. They will assist you in the selection process and together, you will make choices that align with your specific criteria, determining what to include, how to integrate items, and where to position them within your space.

    This selection of furniture and accessories is thoughtfully aligned with your design vision and budget, offering you the tools to make intentional choices while you transform your space. This additional benefit enhances your journey, ensuring that your environment not only looks great but also nurtures your personal growth and overall wellbeing.

    What's Included

    1:1 Meetings with your House-Coach:

      • Two 1-hour individual House-Coaching™ sessions (per person);
      • One 1-hour design proposal presentation meeting;
      • One 1-hour feedback presentation meeting (if needed);
      • One 1-hour implementation process follow-up meeting.

    A Design Proposal:

      • An overview of your House-Coaching™ session;
      • A description of the House-Coaching™ tools that you will use to integrally transform your space;
      • A floorplan and three 3D images that explain the design proposal, which will be tailored to your specific functional, aesthetic and emotional needs;
      • A moodboard to inspire you; a proposed color palette and suggested textures/materials;
      • A set of references for you to envision your space and unleash your creativity.

    A Shopping List:

      • A list of items, including furniture and accessories, with their corresponding price, store and purchase link.
    Why Shop Intentionally

    Shopping intentionally is a powerful step toward enhancing your wellbeing. When you choose items that match your style, values and aspirations, you create a space that truly represents who your authentic self is.

    This can lead to a more peaceful and organized living environment, but more importantly it means you are investing in items that truly matter to you, providing a sense of purpose and contentment. Additionally, intentional shopping helps you avoid impulsive purchases, reducing the clutter in your life. In the end, it allows you to create a purposeful home where the things that you choose have profound meaning and value.

    Deciding If This Is Right For You

    This package is ideal for you if… 

      • You are actively pursuing well-being in various aspects of your life and are open to exploring the connections between your home and personal growth.
      • You wish to begin your House-Coaching™ journey by focusing on a single space in your home.
      • You seek guidance from a House-Coach™ not only to initiate this process, but also to help you find purchase options for your home.   
      • You want to make intentional, value-driven purchases.
      • You desire a detailed shopping list that aligns with your budget.
      • You need assistance in finding recommended items and where to purchase them.
      • You seek support in making purposeful and value-driven purchases.

    As designers, we deeply understand the key role of guidance in choosing the elements that harmonize with your inner truth. Here, we’ll never prescribe what you should buy or get; instead, we invite you to navigate a path towards self-discovery by finding what trully resonates with your essence to allow you to make choices that feel authentically “you”. 

    A Few Important Points
      • We will work with you on the intervention of a single space in your home.
      • Making a shopping list does not mean that you need to buy everything, or that you need to get rid of everything you already have.
      • The shopping list is 100% based on what you want or need, and not on the personal taste of your House-Coach™.
      • When creating your shopping list, your House-Coach™ considers your design preferences, budget, and quality requirements, while also focusing on the emotional aspect of your space.
      • We can suggest products from various well-known brands, including furniture, decor accessories, lighting fixtures, textiles like rugs and curtains, and more.
      • If you want to transform more than one room in your home, we invite you to look at The Total Transformation package, which allows you to get a custom quote for your specific needs, including a shopping list if you wish.  
      • If you have any questions about The Intentional Shopper or other of our services, please visit our FAQ section and our Terms and Conditions agreement.

    package four

    The Total Transformation


    The Total Transformation package by Home Be Well offers the opportunity to extend your House-Coaching™ journey to multiple areas in your home. This package is highly flexible and our quote will be based on your unique requirements, including the number of rooms you wish to transform, who uses each of these areas and whether you want to have a shopping list for each space. Through this House-Coaching™ process within your multiple spaces, we ensure that they align with your individual values, emotional needs, and aspirations for personal growth.

    What's Included

    1:1 Meetings with your House-Coach™ for each space

      • 1-hour individual House-Coaching™ session per person, the number varies depending on the people involved and the specific rooms you wish to transform.
      • One 1-hour design proposal presentation meeting for each area under consideration.
      • One 1-hour feedback presentation meeting for additional guidance if necessary.
      • One 1-hour implementation process follow-up meetings according to the number of rooms to be transformed.

    A Design Proposal for Each Space

      • An overview of your House-Coaching sessions, individually tailored to address the unique functional, aesthetic, and emotional requirements of each space.
      • Floorplans and three 3D images that elucidate the design proposals.
      • Moodboards, suggested color palettes, and recommended textures/materials for each area.
      • A set of references for you to visualize the distinctive character of each transformed space.

    Shopping list

      • A shopping list can also be included upon request for an additional fee.
    Deciding If This Is Right For You

    The Total Transformation package is an excellent fit for you if…

      • You are actively pursuing well-being in various aspects of your life and are open to exploring the connections between your home and personal growth.
      • You wish to begin your House-Coaching™ journey in two or more spaces in your home.
      • You seek guidance from a House-Coach™ to initiate this process. 
      • You actively aspire to make heartfelt, value-driven design decisions that will significantly influence your personal growth across various areas of your multiple living spaces.
      • If this space is used by someone else in your home (including other adults or children over 5 years), we invite you all to participate in the House-Coaching™ process. This is because you will each have different needs and purposes that the space will need to fulfill.
    A Few Important Points
      • Our focus in this package extends to multiple spaces within your home, that’s why its quote is specific for every project.
      • We adapt the House-Coaching™ process to accommodate the distinctive needs and purposes of each transformed area.
      • With younger children (age 5-14), it is possible to have a session to understand their likes and dislikes and what they dream for the space, and with older children (age 14-18), it is possible to have a House-Coaching™ session to its full extent.
      • For the total transformation it’s also possible to include the shopping list as an add-on. 
      • If you have any questions about The Total Transformation or other of our services, please visit our FAQ section and our Terms and Conditions agreement.

    take the first step

    Let’s begin your path towards a home that is all about you!

    We can’t tell you what the perfect home for you looks like, but we can guide you to create it for yourself. Book a free call to talk to us directly and find you what House-Coaching™ can do for you. Or, take the quiz and we will tell you which of our House-Coaching™ packages is best for you.

    Start your journey home.