Aleksandra’s room, filled with boxes from her past as a lawyer, mirrored how stuck she felt, unable to create a space for her true passion: design.

Navigating the journey of self-discovery and career change can often feel overwhelming, especially when external expectations and past decisions weigh heavily on our shoulders. For Aleksandra, this was precisely the challenge she faced as she transitioned from a successful career as a lawyer, to her true passion for design and architecture. With House-Coaching®, she found the tools and insights she needed to transform not just her physical space, but also her limiting thoughts and the perspective on her future.

Aleksandra found herself not knowing how to create a new home office in an unused space in her home. She was surrounded by boxes of her past life as a lawyer, unable to move forward with her newfound passion for design. As she stood in the middle of the room, her eyes turned to the wall outside the window. She felt suffocated, confined, and lacking creativity. With tall buildings blocking the view, she felt she had little privacy and personal space, leaving her feeling squeezed, observed and limited. 

Aleksandra felt she couldn’t let go of her family’s expectations, particularly from her grandfather, who had encouraged her to be a successful lawyer. She felt a sense of obligation to honor this legacy, even though it was not what she wanted to do. Reflecting on the years she spent studying law and working as a lawyer, she felt that she had wasted valuable time and energy.

With each small step, Aleksandra took courage and gained more self-confidence to design this wonderful space and finally believe that she can achieve a satisfying result not only for herself but for her future clients too.

Through her experience with House-Coaching®, she began to reframe her perspective. She realized that her legal background had given her valuable skills, experiences and tools for her journey into design. Embracing the metaphor of the Japanese tree—which grows slowly and steadily, yet has no need to meet the expectation to be as tall as a Sequoia tree—Aleksandra began to understand that her path to success might be slower and less conventional, but no less beautiful or meaningful. 

With this newfound clarity, Aleksandra discovered a deeper sense of self-acceptance and creativity. She transformed her home office into a space that truly reflected her passions and aspirations, finally creating a place where she could be herself and pursue what she loves. Her journey illustrates the transformative power of aligning our physical spaces with our authentic selves, making room for a more fulfilling and meaningful life.

“It is incredible how the whole process of House-Coaching® changed me. I started with lots of good will to make my architectural career happen but with so many hesitations and doubts that thwarted the idea and made me freeze. I was uncertain if I was good enough and able to follow my dreams. The room I changed was a perfect reflection of all the thoughts racing in my head. Little by little I diagnosed and tried to overcome the limiting thoughts and encourage myself to dive deeper. With each small step, I took courage and gained more self-confidence to design this wonderful space and finally believe that I can achieve a satisfying result not only for myself but for my future clients too.”

– Aleksandra